Banner for Mira and the Legend of the Djinns video game.

The Story

Long ago, there was Amazgesh. A golden Kingdom forged in peace between humans and Djinns after hundreds of years of war. Then came the Fall, a cataclysm that turned Amazgesh into a wasteland of death and emptiness, with most of the remaining life twisted by corruption and mutation. Humans struggle to survive in a ruined world while almost all of the Djinns have long since disappeared or died. As for how this all happened, well, who can say? No mortal now remembers the truth.

Yuba, a treasure hunter from Tiziri Village, travels the wastes in search of artifacts and ruins. What he finds keeps his purse full and his curiosity sated. Lately, he has been working for a mysterious man known as Shadow. Deep in the bowels of a long-lost ruin, Yuba discovers a treasure more priceless than artifacts or gold: a Djinn called Mira slumbering in darkness for a thousand years, lost in the void of her forgotten memories. Only by forming a sacred Bond with Yuba can she escape her prison and embark on a quest to recover her lost memories and learn why she was sealed away.

Together, they set out on a journey that will take them into the very heart of Fallen Amazgesh’s secret history, one in which Mira may have played a critical role…

Meet the Characters

(hover over character card for more info)

The World of Amazgesh

(click locations for more info)

World view of Amazgesh, the setting of Mira and the Legend of the Djinns video game.
Infernal World

Infernal World 
A hellish realm of infinite heat.  Ruled by red djinn, it features a chaotic and twisted landscape filled with burning creatures and infernal fires.  The air is thick with the stench of sulfur and smoldering remains and the ground is a treacherous shifting mass of molten rock.

Far Difa
Far Difa A mythical land in the East where it is said that a rich kingdom rests near an ocean of water. Folk from Amazgesh talk about Far Difa when they are wistful. To them, it’s a paradise forever out of reach. Its name means “the warm lands far away”.
Mamora Forest
Mamora Forest
Mamora is an immense woodland. It is a dangerous, wild place that is considered haunted, full of monsters, and generally an unsafe place for people. It was also settled once, they say, and contains many ruins and artifacts for the brave to find.

In the forest’s heart stands Amekran Targant, the last Great Tree. The Great Trees were taller than the tallest towers, reaching up to the skies and mountains.
Adurar's Peak

Adurar's Peak
A volcano located in the mountains near Mamora Forest. Some say that ash from its eruptions fed the soil of Mamora Forest for centuries.

Desert Ocean

Desert Ocean
What was once the heartland of Amazgesh is now a seemingly endless expanse of wind, sand and corrupted creatures.  There are many ruins and oddities in the desert, drawing treasure hunters and those brave enough to risk it.

The Desert Ocean connects most of the major locations in Fallen Amazgesh.

Tiziri Village

Tiziri Village
A small village on the very edge of the Desert Ocean. In many ways, it’s a typical village of Fallen Amazgesh. In others, it is exceptional. It flourishes where others struggle because of its access to water. The people of Tiziri are simple but proud.

This is Yuba’s home.

Necropolis of Tagelda

Necropolis of Tagelda
An ancient castle of Old Amazgesh that was said to have domed towers that touched the skies and kissed the clouds. Most of it is buried under the sand of the Desert Ocean, having been sealed during the Fall.

The Necropolis of Tagelda gets its name from the tale of its destruction: hundreds of occupants were buried with it, making it into one massive tomb.

Ifri Hollow

Ifri Hollow
A massive cavern that is known as the “darkest place in all Amazgesh”. Ifri Hollow is a legend among treasure hunters, similar to Tagelda.

Kenani Zultanate

Kenani Zultanate
When Amazgesh was destroyed, the kingdom fractured into slivers. Many disappeared into the sands of the Desert Ocean or were lost to war, famine, and other threats. The last remaining is the Zultanate, ruled over by a long line of Zultans who claim they are descended from the princes of Old Amazgesh. In theory, the Zultans rule over all of Fallen Amazgesh. In reality, their power and hold over the surrounding regions has always been weak. They have never been able to reclaim the traditional territories, including what is now ruins or wilderness. Over the years, many Zultans have promised to bring back Old Amazgesh but none have succeeded.

Kenani is the palace of the Zultan, many miles from the edge of the Desert Ocean where the lands are safer. It is an old palace but has been kept in repair by the Zultans. A town has also grown around it, making it the capital of the Zultanate.

Averkan The Black Snake

Averkan The Black Snake
One of the reasons people fear to tread in the Desert Ocean. Averkan is a gargantuan snake that is visible from many parts of the desert. It is often used as a landmark and though dormant for generations, Averkan is known to rouse and move from time to time.

Averkan is a mystery, born during the Fall and considered by some to be god-like if not a living god of some kind. Some say it was created as a weapon, others that it was born of corruption and evil.

Wandering Avlad

Wandering Avlad
In the skies above the Desert Ocean, there are floating rocks and islands that are said to have broken pieces of the legendary Skylands of Tamazgha. Many believe this is all that remains of Tamazgha.

Some of the floating stones of Wandering Avlad are tiny enough that a person can hardly stand on them, with others large enough to support life.

Skylands of Tamazgha

Skylands of Tamazgha
Legend tells that the Blue Djinns of Tamazgha once lived in the sea. During the Fall, the seas were corrupted and destroyed, forcing them to take to the skies. With the help of the Sky Djinns, their cousins and allies, they were able to lift the ocean floor into the sky to form the Skylands.

The only evidence of this tale is Wandering Avlad. The Skylands themselves are hidden from human eyes. It is said that only a Djinn can find the way.


A boundless kingdom created through the peace between humans and Djinns after centuries of conflict and rivalry.  A thousand years ago, it was destroyed during an apocalyptic disaster called the Fall.

It is now referred to in two different ways, a distinction made to separate the land between the past and present.  Old Amazgesh is an historical term and refers to the golden age when the kingdom was whole.  Fallen Amazgesh is how folk refer to the land in the present.